Monday, February 16, 2009


The archetypal action or event that best fit The Mediator: Shadowland is a journey. Since Susie embarks on a journey to perform a exorcism on Heather so that she wouldn't be able to kill Susie, Bryce, or Susie's step-brother. The arcetypal setting would probably have to the sea since so many unusal things are happening. Susie is an inocent embarking on a journey to get rid of Heather so she will not hurt anybody else. The author of the book did use archetypes when she wrote this book.

Second Link
I chose this link because has different stories of people are ghost hunters and how they take care of the spirits.

First Link

I chose this link because it is the official site of the author named Meg Cabot who wrote The Mediator: Shadowland the book that I read. Plus, it has a lot of different information on herself and the different books that she wrote.


I actually don't really like to read but I actually did enjoy this book because it wasn't boring. Since you had no idea what would happen next. I would recommend this book to people that are into ghosts and like a little bit of excitement. It would be more for teenagers than adults since has to do with high school drama and all teenagers know how high school drama goes.

Character Development

At the beginning of my book it started off having this girl named Susie is a teenager living with her grandma in New York because her mother got married and moved to California. Susie then decided to move to California to live with her mother where she would live her step-father Andy and her three step-brothers Doc, Dopey, and Sleepy. When she started at her new she meet Father Dominic and Bryce Martinson. Few days later she found out that Bryce's ex-girlfriend Heather had committed suicide since he broke up with her over the break. Heather happened to be a ghost in the school who was trying to get revenge on Bryce for breaking up with her and making her kill herself.

Heather then learned by the end of the book that she was not meant to be around any more causing harm to everyone in the school. So, Susie decided to make exorcism take place so Heather would go back to where she belonged so everyone else can get on with their lives.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Conflict and Resolution

The conflict in my book was when Susie found out that Heather Bryce Martinson's ex girlfriend was wanting to him, herself, and her step-brother Doc because she was mad at Susie because she just came into the school and took her spot.

The resolution of the story was that Susie was finally able to perform an exorcism on Heather meaning she could finally get rid of her so she wouldn't be in the school anymore and won't be able to attempt to kill Bryce and everyone else wanted to kill.

Best and Worst Parts

The worst part of the book had to be at the beginning when they were telling me about her mother getting married and how is going to move to California. The reason I didn't like that part was because it was boring and not very interesting to me.

The best part of the book had to the middle and end. I thought this part was interesting because that's when the ghost started coming into the book and started to get feeling why Susie wanted to get rid of Heather.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Page 214 - END Update

Father Dominic was not happy with Susie's idea on doing a exorcism on Heather. He felt that she deserved a Catholic exorcism and not some Brazilian or Pygmy one since she couldn't get a real Roman Catholic burial. He made her promise him she would not perform a exorcism without him but of course had her fingers crossed the whole so that means she could still do it because she actually promise him. After they left the hospital Adam wanted to take Susie to watch the sun set on the beach. She thought that was pretty cool because back in New York all they did was sit in the park and watch undercover cops arrest drug dealers. Then on the way home she had Adam stop at the grocery store so she could pick up the supplies she needed to complete the exorcism on Heather.

That night Susie's alarm clock went off at midnight so she could get down to the school and do the exorcism on Heather. When she got to the school there was a police car sitting out the parking lot now because of all the damage that was done the night or two before. But, it wasn't hard for Susie to find a way into the school. Once she got into the school she set up all of her supplies needed to preform the exorcism on Heather. She had to first place the candles in a circle then make some shape out chicken blood but she couldn't tell us what it was. Then Heather came along wondering what she was doing but Susie wouldn't to her in English. She would only speak to her in Portuguese. Then she asked Heather to stand between the candles and by her picture, then Susie started to say all the things she was suppose to say and the roof off the school opened up with red gases coming out of it. That meant that the exorcism was beginning to work until Heather figured out what Susie was trying to do and she ended up stepping out of the circle. So, Susie then had to push her back in and pretty held her there until she finally got caught up in all the fog and it took her away. Then the roof collapsed on top of her and she was stuck there until somebody came to her rescue.

The next thing Susie saw was her step-brothers Jake (Sleepy) and David (Doc). They both worked together to rescue Susie from the fallen timber. All of them then made their way back to their house and Susie didn't have the motivation to talk to David at that time but she knew that he knows about all the ghost. When David got back from school that day she finally talked to him about the ghosts. She found out that he has been doing a lot of research about the ghosts that could be in the house. So, finally Susie asked him to look up something about Jesse the ghost that lives in her room. They did end finding out how he died and why he was in the house in the first place. By the end of the book she finally figures out that her life in California is all right after all.